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The Archaeology of Southeast Arizona: A Class I Cultural Resource Inventory

Created by Charles Miles on 4/9/2020. Updated on 3/24/2024.

Published the the BLM The Archaeology of Southeast Arizona: A Class I Cultural Resource Inventory by Gordon Bronitsky and James D. Merritt summarizes and assesses the cultural resources in southeastern Arizona - published in October 1986.

This report from 1986 provides an overview and summy of the cultural resources in Southeastern Arizona from the prehistoric into the historic periods. The data is from 1980 and even in 1986 the preface of the report it is noted that the report is 'already out of date' - however I still find this report interesting in part because it's summary level data is often quite readable and the scope of the data is quite interesting if you live in Southern Arizona!

Source: Library: Arizona: Cultural Resource Series 2 | Bureau of Land Management
