Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Late Summer Canyon - 9/12/2024

Created by Charles Miles on 9/12/2024. Updated on 9/13/2024.

2024 August Western Skies
Western Skies. Charles Miles. 8/27/2024.

The hike starts at an old corral - the gates and fences are reminders of an era when the valley was filled with working ranches. I'm not sure the passing of cattle ranches is worth many tears - but the open space they once preserved is worth contemplating.

Visiting the canyon over several late summer weeks I was able to watch small pools fill and dry with the unpredictable rains, visit larger pools that will last into the dry season and see and hear some of the canyon's residents.

2024 August Ephmeral Pool
Ephmeral Pool. Charles Miles. 9/3/2024.
2024 August Canyon Scene
Canyon Scene. Charles Miles. 8/20/2024.
2024 August Growing Devils Claw
Growing Devils Claw. Charles Miles. 9/3/2024.

2024 August Tadpoles
Tadpoles. Charles Miles. 9/3/2024.
2024 August Sonoran Desert Toad
Sonoran Desert Toad. Charles Miles. 9/3/2024.
2024 August Jaw
Jaw. Charles Miles. 8/27/2024.

2024 August Tree, Rock and Water
Tree, Rock and Water. Charles Miles. 8/27/2024.
2024 August Reflected Sun
Reflected Sun. Charles Miles. 8/27/2024.
2024 August Rocky Sky
Rocky Sky. Charles Miles. 8/27/2024.
