2013 April View from Mount Constitution: We drove up to Mount Constitution to check out the views. Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.
2013 April Beach at Obstruction Pass: A short hike and relatively small beach but very beautiful. Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.
2013 April Sea Stars. Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.
2013 April Otters off Obstruction Pass: We were taking pictures on the beach when we noticed three River Otters feeding in the water near the beach - it was amazing to watch them swim and feed! Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.
2013 April Slug-02: Not so exciting if you live in the NW I guess - but coming from Tucson Slugs are still a bit of a thrill! Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.
2013 April Alison at Obstruction Pass State Park. Charles Miles. 4/28/2013.