Photographs - April 5, Thursday, 2018
2018 April Balloon Trash on Racetrack Valley Road. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Looking down on the Racetrack from the peak north of Ubehebe Peak. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Sun and Clouds on the Racetrack: Sun and Clouds on the Racetrack. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Looking back on the drive to the Racetrack from the Ubehebe Peak Trail. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Stopping at the peak north of Ubehebe Peak. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Great views from the Ubehebe Peak Trail. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Racing Rocks 01. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Racing Rocks 02. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Racing Rocks 03. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.
2018 April Racing Rocks 04. Charles Miles. 4/5/2018.