2019 August Smoke from the Castle Fire blankets the Big Spring Cabins. Charles Miles. 8/21/2019.
2019 August Condor on Navajo Bridge: We were curious why we couldn't see a number on the blank wing tag... Charles Miles. 8/21/2019.
2019 August Touching the Colorado at Paria Beach: A traditional road trip stop and fun to touch the Colorado here close to the end of our trip after touching it at Willow Beach near the start of our trip! Charles Miles. 8/21/2019.
2019 August Saber Fire from the base of the Elden Lookout in Flagstaff: First time hiking the Elden Lookout trail - we both noted it is somehow strangely similiar to the Lemmon Lookout trail! Charles Miles. 8/21/2019.