2019 October Camping near High Tanks. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Petroglyphs in the Tinajas Altas Mountains. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Dana. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Stuck: Traci exploring an advanced off road strategy for easier hitch connections - a bit of digging, a lot of poking fun and a quick pull from my truck and it was free. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Shoveling Sand: Dana D helping with the excavation. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Just after Sunset in the Snowbowl Area: Amazing to be in the Tinajas Altas Mountains on the Camino del Diablo in the AM and catching the end of sunset at Snowbowl in the evening! Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.
2019 October Aspens in the Snowbowl Area. Charles Miles. 10/20/2019.