2019 October Comanche Point Moon Shadow 01: The moon shadow of Comanche Point stretches towards the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Comanche Point Moon Shadow 02. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Sunrise on Comanche Point. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Camped on Comanche Point. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Benchmark on Comanche Point: 7074 on this benchmark - current maps show 7073. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Comanche Point Shadow 01. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Comanche Point Shadow 02. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Desert View and the Canyon Below from Comanche Point. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Desert View Watch Tower in the Distance: Cliffs below Comanche Point on the Descent - this Raven joined me while I was taking pictures making calls that seemed to be strange raven versions of sounds of the click and drill sounds our birds make at home. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Looking North along the Palisades of the Desert. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Cedar Mountain. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.
2019 October Comanche Point. Charles Miles. 10/24/2019.