2023 June Leaving the Nest. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Greater Earless Lizard. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Saguaro and Desert Cotton. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Billings Flying Service Chinook: CH-47D with water (I think) flying generally north over the Rincon Valley - seems far away but the only active fire I know of is a small fire near the bioshpere. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Reaching. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Amid the Blooms. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Giant. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Set of Three. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Bird on a Wire: Purple Martin. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.
2023 June Late In the Day Near the Arizona Trail Pistol Hill Trailhead. Charles Miles. 6/4/2023.