Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

A Section of the San Pedro River - May 2013

Created by cmiles on 5/31/2013.

2013 May First glimpse of the green near the San Pedro River
2013 May First glimpse of the green near the San Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.

iIn the past two months while working on sections of the Sky Island Traverse I have been south of St. David more times than in the previous decade - and I love it! These sections have been a great reason to get to new areas - it seems like every time I get outside and explore I find something amazing - this section of the San Pedro was certainly no exception.

From Highway 80 at the Curtis Windmill a dirt road cuts west across Arizona State Trust Land into the The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, passes an old windmill and ends just short of the River. From the end of the road a small path wanders down to the river and then fragments - I work my way down to the River and smile at the shallow flowing ribbon of water!

2013 May Water in the San Pedro River
2013 May Water in the San Pedro River: Surface flow was intermittent, where it was flowing it was amazing! Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.

The River alternates between flowing and dry (and sandy!) - cattle have obviously been here, but I don't see any - I do see Vermilion Flycatchers, Great Blue Herons, small fish and a troop of Coati! The River is amazing but it is getting hot (very very hot...) so after a few minutes in the Contention Ruins Area (some information about the area) and a nice break I make my way back to the car.

2013 May First glimpse of the green near the San Pedro River
2013 May First glimpse of the green near the San Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Charles headed South along the Sand Pedro River
2013 May Charles headed South along the Sand Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Troop of Coati
2013 May Troop of Coati: I had disturbed a great blue heron and it had flown along the river - I was hoping to get a better view of it and was moving cautiously and not only did I see the heron but also this troop of Coati!!! They either ignored me or did not know I was there was at least several minutes - wishing I had more than my little point and shoot along, I think I could have gotten some great shots! Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Windmill near the San Pedro River
2013 May Windmill near the San Pedro River: This windmill had a storage tank and open tank, the storage tank was holding water (that I took advantage of for 'dump over me' water on the way out). Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Great Blue Heron and Deer
2013 May Great Blue Heron and Deer. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.

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