Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Adrenaline Night Run, June 2013

Created by cmiles on 6/14/2013.

2013 June Sunset at McDowell Mountain Park
2013 June Sunset at McDowell Mountain Park: Just before the start of the 26k. Charles Miles. 6/8/2013.

Aravaipa Running's 26km Adrenaline Night Run race starts in the desert heat at sunset - for a minute I run with my friend Ryan but he speeds off and is soon out of sight... I feel good - hot, but good - and a few miles in I turn on my headlamp. Why hasn't the runner in front of me turned on their headlamp? We hit the first aid station and I hear no-headlamp-runner ask for batteries - I feel bad, I have a spare headlamp and spare batteries with me - should have asked, arg... After the first aid station there is a nice section downhill fun - but the last section of the loop is a series of awesome-on-a-mountain-bike rollers that wear me out before the Start/Finish line aid station.

2013 June Adrenaline Night Run Finishing Lap 1
2013 June Adrenaline Night Run Finishing Lap 1. 6/8/2013.

I take a nice break at the Start/Finish aid station while the great volunteers fill up my reservoir with ice and water - again out into the desert - I see headlamps spaced along the course but for awhile I can not hear anyone and I am essentially alone and not feeling great - why exactly did I sign up for this, wasn't there a half marathon distance I could have done, will I ever do one of these again... But somewhere before the 4-mile aid station I start to have fun again and by the time I hit the last aid station I realize that if I keep running I can easily finish under 4 hours - longer on the course than I had guessed/hoped but it motivates me to keep a good pace all the way to the finish line where I am greeted by cheers from my friends!

2013 June Saguaro and Stars
2013 June Saguaro and Stars: Nice view - looks like I bumped the car (I had just set the camera on the hood) during this shot, but I liked it too much to delete it! Charles Miles. 6/9/2013.

Night sky - taking a break after finishing before driving back to Tucson.

It takes about two days before I start thinking about what to sign up for next...
2013 June Richard Thumbs Up
2013 June Richard Thumbs Up. Charles Miles. 6/8/2013.
2013 June On Highway 10 Heading Home
2013 June On Highway 10 Heading Home: Late arrival in Tucson, I was moving slow the next day... Charles Miles. 6/9/2013.
2013 June Start Finish Line
2013 June Start Finish Line. Charles Miles. 6/9/2013.

Posts Before/After: