Pointless Waymarks

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Sunless Solstice - 6/21/2022

Created by Charles Miles on 6/26/2022.

2017 June Solstice Sunset from just outside the West Wall of Pueblo Bonito
2017 June Solstice Sunset from just outside the West Wall of Pueblo Bonito. Charles Miles. 6/20/2017.
2018 March Spring Equinox Sun Dagger at Picture Rocks
2018 March Spring Equinox Sun Dagger at Picture Rocks. Charles Miles. 3/20/2018.

I've had the chance to watch the solstice sun from a Chaco Great House and a sun dagger form during the spring equinox - inspiring interplays of humanity, landscape, building and art that are all the more wonderful for their rarity thru time.

I also enjoyed this years sunless solstice sunset. There was no hint of the sun on the horizon - the sun lit up shapes in the clouds, but there was no way to trace its path, see its last position before it changes direction, and by sunset there was only a faint grey light. What an interesting reminder of the everyday - some solstices a rock is just a rock and no one sees the grand vision - just another day.

2022 June Solstice without the Sun
2022 June Solstice without the Sun. Charles Miles. 6/21/2022.

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