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April Flowers in the Rincon Valley - 5/17/2024

Created by Charles Miles on 5/17/2024.

2024 April Mariposa Lily 04
Mariposa Lily 04. Charles Miles. 4/22/2024.

We've been in the Rincon Valley for several years - all of them different - and the winter rains this year created some spectacular flowers and green in April!

2024 April Glandular Threadplant 02
Glandular Threadplant 02. Charles Miles. 4/22/2024.

These flowers were along the Arizona Trail - easy to find but they didn't last as long as I expected - as I write this in May the desert is overwhelmingly brown and dry.

2024 April Mariposa Lily 03
Mariposa Lily 03. Charles Miles. 4/22/2024.
2024 April Mariposa Lily 012024 April Mariposa Lily 022024 April Prickly Pear2024 April Glandular Threadplant 01

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