Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Flowing Water in Agua Verde Creek - 4/2/2024

Created by Charles Miles on 5/16/2024.

2024 April Water in Agua Verde Creek
2024 April Water in Agua Verde Creek. Charles Miles. 4/2/2024.
Rushing water from a late winter storm in Agua Verde Creek.

Flowing out of and west along the south edge of the Rincon Mountains Agua Verde Creek is surrounded by old ranch land, now private, until it reaches Pima County's Colossal Cave Mountain Park.

The stretches of the creek in the park could have easily ended up as private land - Colossal Cave Mountain Park is largely the old La Post Quemada Ranch - but thankfully once Agua Verde Creek enters Colossal Cave Pima County land surrounds it until it flows into Cienega Creek.

In Colossal Cave on most days you will see only sand in Agua Verde Creek. This winter storms filled the creek multiple times - every time it was easy to look at the rushing water and think it would last for weeks, but really it would only last a few days.

In this recording the water covers almost all the other sounds - you would have to lay with your ear almost in the creek to hear it this way - but when we were by the creek the rare rushing water was what I wanted to hear and to remember!

2024 April Agua Verde Creek, Flowers, Saguaros and Clouds
2024 April Agua Verde Creek, Flowers, Saguaros and Clouds. Charles Miles. 4/2/2024.
2024 April Giraffeheads
2024 April Giraffeheads: Henbit Deaddnettle - not native. Charles Miles. 4/2/2024.
