Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Sounds and Photos from a Windy Day on the Grand Canyon Rim - 5/13/2024

Created by Charles Miles on 5/14/2024. Updated on 5/15/2024.

2024 May Alcove
Alcove. Charles Miles. 5/5/2024.

I arrived in the Grand Canyon to grey skies and constant wind after with long days of sunny weather in Southern Utah. It was Saturday, I often try to avoid the canyon on weekends - plenty of people are excited to visit on an in-season weekend and I'd rather not crowd them. Surprisingly even with well over 4 million visitors a year you can still, sometimes, escape the crowds.

On the rim I found a temporary respite from the wind in a small alcove. There was non-existent view (by Grand Canyon standards) and I couldn't find much reason to think this spot was visited by many people, modern or ancient - a great spot to sit alone and unbothered.

Over the wind I could hear occasional birds, planes, squirrels and maybe a faint noise from the road. The surrounding area was beautiful - near sunset I wandered to the rim where unbroken clouds created a peaceful blue end to the day.

2024 Windy Day on the Rim of the Grand Canyon.
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Elk Skull. Charles Miles. 5/5/2024.
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Fallen. Charles Miles. 5/5/2024.
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2024 May Sunless Sunset
Sunless Sunset. Charles Miles. 5/4/2024.

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