Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Utah Roadtrip - 4/29 to 5/3/2024

Created by Charles Miles on 5/14/2024. Updated on 5/15/2024.

2024 April Buckskin Gulch
Buckskin Gulch. Charles Miles. 4/29/2024.

An old friend joined me for a trip to Southern Utah this spring. It had been years since either of us had been and we didn't make an effort to find out of the way places or obscure adventurous routes - instead we stayed in hotels and picked hikes from All Trails - so what a surprise and delight to hike so many miles in great weather without seeing other hikers! Great company, great places, fun adventures!!

2024 April Log and Debris
Log and Debris. Charles Miles. 4/29/2024.
2024 April Sandstone Landscape
Sandstone Landscape. Charles Miles. 4/29/2024.
2024 May Unnamed Sandstone Drainage
Unnamed Sandstone Drainage. Charles Miles. 5/1/2024.
2024 May Above Calf Creek
Above Calf Creek. Charles Miles. 5/1/2024.
2024 May American Dipper
There were two in the area dipping and posing - we had seen Dippers before but were surprised to see them make a brief float downstream duck style! Charles Miles. 5/1/2024.
2024 May Eye
Eye. Charles Miles. 5/1/2024.
2024 May Lower Calf Creek Falls
Lower Calf Creek Falls. Charles Miles. 5/1/2024.

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