A Geranium on the way to Blue Peak. Tags: apache-sitgreaves national forest,blue range primitive area,geranium richardsonii,mckittrick trail,richardsons geranium,the blue
Classic cell phone shot with my finger in it... Tags: aaron,apache-sitgreaves national forest,arizona,black mesa,black mesa ranger district,coconino county,fr300,mogollon monster 100,mogollon rim,richard,sitgreaves national forest
A bit over 50 miles into the race! Tags: aaron,aid station,apache-sitgreaves national forest,arizona,coconino county,coconino national forest,fr95,mogollon monster 100,mogollon rim,mogollon rim ranger district,night,pinchot cabin
There was rain and hail on the Mogollon Monster course and a little after the course descended to the Fish Hatchery the hail looked like snow... Tags: apache-sitgreaves national forest,arizona,coconino county,coconino national forest,fr300,hail,mogollon rim,mogollon rim ranger district
A little walk along the rim while waiting with Richard in the Black Mesa Crew Zone for the Mogollon Monster 100. The clouds would dump on and off rain, and even some hail, on the course. Tags: apache-sitgreaves national forest,black mesa,fr300,mogollon rim,tonto national forest,tonto state fish hatchery
Crewing the race took me along parts of the Rim Road that I hadn't ever seen... Tags: apache-sitgreaves national forest,city lights,clouds,fr300,mogollon rim,night,payson
Tags: apache-sitgreaves national forest,arizona,buck springs,coconino county,coconino national forest,fr321,mogollon monster 100,mogollon rim,mogollon rim ranger district
15 minutes of rest and Aaron was up, running and passing other racers on the course. Tags: aaron,apache-sitgreaves national forest,arizona,coconino county,coconino national forest,dickerson flat,fr218,mogollon monster 100,mogollon rim,mogollon rim ranger district