Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - bavarian-alps

2012 October The summit of the Kampenwand
The summit of the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Tudor waiting at the short cable section
Tudor waiting at the short cable section.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand,tudor
2012 October View thru a notch on the way up
View thru a notch on the way up.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Summit of the Kampenwand
Summit of the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,charles,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Tudor and Curt below the Summit of the Kampenwand
Tudor and Curt below the Summit of the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand,tudor
2012 October In the Bavarian Alps
In the Bavarian Alps.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,charles,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Path to the top of the Kampenwand
Path to the top of the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand,tudor
2012 October Near the Cable Car Station
Near the Cable Car Station.
Tags: andy,bavaria,bavarian alps,curt,germany,kampenwand,kevin
2012 October Lunchtime View
Lunchtime View.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Lowa Test Center
Lowa Test Center.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,charles,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Cable Car up the Kampenwand
Cable Car up the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,cable car,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Looking down from the summit of the Kampenwand, path down on the left, Aschau on the right
Looking from the summit of the Kampenwand, path down on the.
Tags: aschau,bavaria,bavarian alps,germany,kampenwand
2012 October Short Section of cable on the way to the top of the Kampenwand
Short Section of cable on the way to the top of the Kampenwand.
Tags: bavaria,bavarian alps,charles,germany,kampenwand