Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - brad

2002 May Brad Climbing in the Watson Lake Dells
Brad Climbing in the Watson Lake Dells.
Tags: brad,granite dells,prescott,watson lake
2002 May Ken Climbing at the Watson Lake Dells
Ken Climbing at the Watson Lake Dells.
Tags: brad,granite dells,prescott,watson lake
2002 May Brad Climbing at the Dells
Brad Climbing at the Dells.
Tags: brad,granite dells,prescott,watson lake
2002 May Brad starting the Guillotine at the Dells
Brad starting the Guillotine at the Dells.
Tags: brad,granite dells,prescott,watson lake
2002 November Brad and Charles under Locomotion Wall
Brad and Charles under Locomotion Wall.
Tags: brad,california,charles,joshua tree national park,jumping jehosephat,locomotion rock
2002 November Brad leading Jumping Jehosephat
Brad leading Jumping Jehosephat.
Tags: brad,california,joshua tree national park,jumping jehosephat,locomotion rock
2002 November Brad on Jumping Jehosephat
Brad on Jumping Jehosephat.
Tags: brad,california,joshua tree national park,jumping jehosephat,locomotion rock
2002 November Charles and Brad at the top of Locomotion Rock
Charles and Brad at the top of Locomotion Rock.
Tags: brad,california,charles,joshua tree national park,locomotion rock
2002 November Charles on Jumping Jehosephat on Locomotion Wall
Charles on Jumping Jehosephat on Locomotion Wall.
Tags: brad,california,joshua tree national park,jumping jehosephat,locomotion rock