Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - cathedral-valley

2016 October Moon and Milky Way at the Temple of the Moon
Tags: capitol reef national park,cathedral valley,cathedral valley loop,milky way,moon,temple of the moon,utah
2016 October Moon rising over the Temple of the Moon
Tags: capitol reef national park,cathedral valley,cathedral valley loop,milky way,moon,stars,temple of the moon,utah
2016 October Moonlight on the Temple of the Sun
Tags: capitol reef national park,cathedral valley,cathedral valley loop,moonlight,night,star trails,stars,temple of the sun,utah
2016 October Upper Cathedral Valley Overlook
Tags: alison,capitol reef national park,cathedral valley,cathedral valley loop,upper cathedral valley overlook,utah