Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - creosote

2020 June Old Corral above Wakefield Canyon with Rincon Peak in the Background
Old Corral above Wakefield Canyon with Rincon Peak in the Background.
Tags: arizona state trust land,corral,creosote,empirita ranch,rincon mountains,rincon peak,wakefield canyon
2019 March Hiking to the Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate
Hiking to the Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate.
Tags: alison,arizona,cochise county,cochise stronghold,creosote,nancy,reuben,san pedro riparian national conservation area,san pedro river,san pedro river valley,tucson field office
2018 October Mojave National Preserve Desert and Cinder Cones
Mojave National Preserve Desert and Cinder Cones.
Tags: california,creosote,desert,lava,mojave national preserve,san bernardino county
2013 April Creosote View
When I first saw this picture I thought that there was some odd error/mistake - the road ahead and behind look so similiar - really just in the middle of nowhere with Creosote all around!
Tags: arizona,arizona state trust land,cochise county,creosote,tucson field office,west of cochise stronghold
2013 April Amid the Creosote
Years ago I would likely have rejected this route since it is dirt road rather than trail - which now seems stupid, this journey was the same either way and to see this landscape was special.
Tags: arizona,arizona state trust land,cochise county,creosote,state trust land,west of cochise stronghold