Pointless Waymarks

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Search Tag - dos-hermanos-mine

2013 May Abandoned and Collapsed Abril Mine Control Building
http://www.gvrhc.org/Library/SlavinGulch.pdf has some great information on Slavin Gulch and the Abril Mine including a picture identifying this as the control building for the mine - beautiful spot.
Tags: abril mine,arizona,cochise county,cochise stronghold,coronado national forest,dos hermanos mine,douglas ranger district,mine,slavin gulch,slavin gulch trail,two brothers mine
2013 May Abril Mine Ore Chute
Note the old ore chute from the Abril mine, here and from a distance on the hike it looks a bit like a water stain (which would have been welcome on this rather warm day!).
Tags: abril mine,arizona,cochise county,cochise stronghold,coronado national forest,dos hermanos mine,douglas ranger district,mine,slavin gulch,slavin gulch trail,two brothers mine
2013 May Abril Mine Ore Chute and Debris
http://www.gvrhc.org/Library/SlavinGulch.pdf indicates that the Abril mine was worked from 1914 to 1952.
Tags: abril mine,arizona,cochise county,cochise stronghold,coronado national forest,debris,dos hermanos mine,douglas ranger district,mine,ore chute,slavin gulch,slavin gulch trail,two brothers mine,wood