Our first hike on Whidbey Island - I had been here in October of last year and it was too good not to visit again. Tags: alison,bluff trail,ebeys landing,island county,washington,whidbey island
A short walk on the pier after breakfast - we watched gulls and crows dropping mussels to open them and saw a Bald Eagle! Tags: alison,coupeville,island county,pier,washington,whidbey island
After Ebey's Landing we went to South Whidbey Island State Park for a walk thru the forest - beautiful huge old growth along the Wilbert Trail. Tags: alison,cedar,ebeys landing,island county,south whidbey state park,washington,whidbey island,wilbert trail
Beautiful section of the Ridge trail - this area is 'younger' than the forest along the Wilbert trail, the Alders and trail were amazing! Tags: island county,ridge trail,south whidbey,south whidbey state park,washington,whidbey island