Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - medicine-bow-national-forest

2014 June Alison on the Platte River Trail 1
Tags: brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June Alison on the Platte River Trail 2
Tags: brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June Alison On the Turtle Rock Trail
Tags: albany county,alison,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,turtle rock trail,vedauwoo,wyoming
2014 June Almost back to the Six Mile Gap Campground
Tags: brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June Enjoying the View
Beautiful flowers, great view and a stream - quite a lot to enjoy!
Tags: albany county,alison,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,turtle rock,valley massif trail,vedauwoo,wyoming
2014 June Flowers along the Platte River Trail
Tags: brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June Flowers and Reynolds Hill
Tags: 700da,albany county,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,reynolds hill,vedauwoo,wyoming
2014 June Leaving Six Mile Gap Campground
After our drive across the snowy range we headed to the Six Mile Gap campground near the Platte River for a hike - it was great to be near the water!
Tags: alison,brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June Medicine Bow Peak in the background
Tags: albany county,alison,french creek roadless area,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,medicine bow peak,snowy range,wyoming
2014 June Overlook in the Snowy Range
We had hoped conditions would be good for hike to Medicine Box Peak - there was too much snow and we didn't have the gear we would have needed - but to be in the snow and even get snowed on in June when you are from Tucson is great!
Tags: albany county,french creek roadless area,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,medicine bow peak,snowy range,wyoming
2014 June Reynolds Hill
Tags: 700da,albany county,alison,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,reynolds hill,vedauwoo,wyoming
2014 June Starting the Turtle Rock Trail
We spent the night in Loveland after finishing up work at the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance Show and then headed for Wyoming!! After stopping at the rather astoundingly fancy visitor's center we headed for Vedauwoo!
Tags: albany county,alison,forest,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,turtle rock trail,vedauwoo,wyoming
2014 June Sun and Clouds on the Platte River Trail
Sun and Clouds on the Platte River Trail.
Tags: brush creek-hayden ranger district,carbon county,medicine bow national forest,platte river,platte river trail,platte river wilderness,wyoming
2014 June The Joy of Green and Water
Maybe only amazing if you are from somewhere like Tucson!
Tags: 700da,albany county,alison,laramie ranger district,medicine bow national forest,turtle rock,vedauwoo,wyoming