Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - papago-spring

2020 February 1933 June
Tags: arizona,coronado national forest,fr 4402,papago spring,pima county,posta quemada canyon,rincon mountains,santa catalina ranger district,tank
2020 February Papago Spring Windmill
Tags: arizona,coronado national forest,fr 4402,papago spring,pima county,posta quemada canyon,rincon mountains,santa catalina ranger district,windmill
Brush in the foreground, a strangely rusted window in an old water tank and a unnamed peak in the Rincons visible thru the rusted.
A rusting water tank in the Papago Spring area.
Tags: arizona,coronado national forest,fr 4402,papago spring,pima county,posta quemada canyon,rincon mountains,rust,santa catalina ranger district,water tank
A pipe descends thru a deck of boards partially covering a dark hole below the windmill at Papago Spring.
At the base of the windmill at Papago Spring.
Tags: arizona,coronado national forest,fr 4402,papago spring,pima county,posta quemada canyon,rincon mountains,santa catalina ranger district,windmill
Cloudy skies, a distant shadowed ridgeline and desert hillsides in the foreground.
A hike from the Papago Well Trailhead to Papago Spring on the southwest edge on the Rincon Mountains.
Tags: arizona,fr 4402,papago spring,papago well,posta quemada canyon,rincon mountains,tucson