Tags: alison,american camp,charles,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,third lagoon,washington
I wonder how many of these little fish I have missed - nicely hidden in the pools! Tags: deadman bay,fish,lime kiln point,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: american camp,jakles lagoon,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: harlequin duck,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,san juan land bank,snake,washington,west side scenic corridor,westside scenic preserve
Hood up on this hike - the wind was pretty amazing. Tags: alison,american camp,cattle point lighthouse,mount constitution,mount finlayson,mount finlayson trail,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
Leaving the State Park for land owned by The Trust for Public Land - http://www.tpl.org/what-we-do/where-we-work/washington/deadman-bay.html Tags: alison,lime kiln point,lime kiln state park,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,washington
Amazing views - and wind! Tags: american camp,mount constitution,mount finlayson trail,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: lighthouse,lime kiln lighthouse,lime kiln point state park,lime kiln state park,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,sunset,washington
Tags: american camp,mount constitution,mount finlayson trail,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
As we came down from Mount Finlayson and into the woods on the other side the wind died down to almost nothing - incredible calm amongst the trees. Tags: alison,american camp,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: fire brick,kiln,lime,lime kiln point,lime kiln preserve,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,san juan land bank,washington
Tags: lime kiln point,porpoise,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,san juan land bank,washington,westside scenic preserve
This fox seemed at least somewhat used to people - he saw us from a distance but didn't exactly bolt out of sight... Tags: american camp,fox,mount constitution,mount finlayson,mount finlayson trail,red fox,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
These red Starfish were new to us. Tags: deadman bay,lime kiln point,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,starfish,washington
Looking for handouts I think... Tags: lime kiln point,lime kiln state park,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,sea gull,washington
Some of the first wildlife we spotted at the park! Tags: lime kiln point,lime kiln state park,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,seal,washington
Tags: american camp,mount constitution,mount finlayson,mount finlayson trail,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
There were a few lovely rain showers (and even a bit of hail) but we just enjoyed a great view sheltered under the trees. Tags: deadman bay,lime kiln point,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: american camp,cattle point lighthouse,mount constitution,mount finlayson trail,san juan county,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,san juan islands national monument,washington
Tags: alison,san juan county,san juan island,san juan islands national monument,san juan land bank,washington,west side scenic corridor,westside scenic preserve
Tags: alison,american camp,beach,charles,clouds,headlamp,moon,night sky,san juan island,san juan island national historical park,south beach,stars,washington,water