Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - sand-dunes

2017 June On the Dunes looking across Medano Creek
On the Dunes looking across Medano Creek.
Tags: alison,colorado,great sand dunes national park and preserve,medano creek,sand dunes
2017 June Great Sand Dunes National Park
Great Sand Dunes National Park.
Tags: alison,colorado,great sand dunes national park and preserve,sand dunes
2017 June Walking on the Dunes
Walking on the Dunes.
Tags: alison,colorado,great sand dunes national park and preserve,sand dunes
2017 June Near the Entrance to the Great Sand Dunes National Park
Near the Entrance to the Great Sand Dunes National Park.
Tags: colorado,colorado state highway 150,great sand dunes national park and preserve,mount herard,mount zwischen,sand dunes