Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - wotans-throne

2018 December Summoning Wotan
Tags: alison,apollo temple,arizona,coconino county,freya castle,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,jupiter temple,point 6961,saddle mountain,siegfried pyre,wotans throne
2019 December A Viewpoint East of Grandview
Tags: arizona,coconino county,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,krishna shrine,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2019 December Looking down the Colorado River
Tags: angels gate,arizona,brahma temple,coconino county,colorado river,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,newberry butte,pinal point,shiva temple,snow,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2019 December South Rim West of Buggeln Hill and East of Grandview
Tags: angels gate,arizona,brahma temple,cochise saddle,coconino county,deva temple,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hance creek,krishna shrine,newberry butte,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2019 December Vishnu Temple from Shoshone Point
Tags: arizona,coconino county,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hawkins butte,rama shrine,shoshone point,snow,vishnu temple,wotans throne
The black triangluar moon shadow stretches towards the Colorado River with stars in the sky above.
The moon shadow of Comanche Point stretches towards the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.
Tags: camping,colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,night sky,stars,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2019 October Comanche Point Moon Shadow 02
Tags: camping,colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,night sky,stars,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2019 October Comanche Point Shadow 02
Tags: arizona,coconino county,colorado river,comanche creek,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,poston butte,shadow,siegfried pyre,tanner beach,tanner canyon rapids,tanner creek,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2019 October Comanche Point Sunset
Tags: arizona,coconino county,colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,sun,sunset,tanner beach,tanner canyon rapids,tanner creek,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2019 October Lights in the Canyon
Tags: camping,colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,night sky,stars,vishnu temple,wotans throne
Stars and Milky Way fill the sky - a black skyline is broken by the shapes of Wotans Throne and Vishnu Temple.
Tags: comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,milky way,night sky,stars,vishnu temple,wotans throne
The sunrise light illuminates distant cliffs and the tip of a rock tower just below Comanche Point.
Tags: colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,sunrise,vishnu temple,wotans throne
Standing on tall cliffs lit by late day light - looking down on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.
Tags: arizona,coconino county,colorado river,comanche point,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,rama shrine,sun,tanner beach,tanner creek,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2020 October Angels Gate and Shadow on Wotans Throne
Tags: angels gate,arizona,coconino county,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,wotans throne
2020 October Bright Moon Light in the Grand Canyon from Yuma Point
Out of frame on the rim to the right we could see a few lights in the Hermit's Rest area.
Tags: brahma temple,buddha temple,colorado river,cope butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,isis temple,moonlight,night,stars,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Headlamp on the Hermit Trail early in the Morning
Tags: brahma temple,cope butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,headlamp,hermit creek,hermit trail,moonlight,night,stars,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Looking East from Piute Point to Pollux and Diana Temples
Tags: arizona,buddha temple,coconino county,deva temple,diana temple,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,mencius temple,mescalero point,osiris temple,piute point,pollux temple,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2020 October Pollux Temple from Piute Point
Tags: arizona,coconino county,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,mencius temple,osiris temple,pollux temple,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 October Sunrise from Yuma Point 01
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,sunrise,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Sunset Light in the Grand Canyon from Yuma Point
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,isis temple,sunrise,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September Dana on Cocopa Point
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,colorado river,cope butte,dana,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,granite rapids,hermit trail,isis temple,rama shrine,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Dana on Cocopa Point from the rim to the West
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,dana,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hillers butte,isis temple,oza butte,tower of set,whites butte,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Descending off Horseshoe Mesa
Tags: angels gate,arizona,coconino county,freya castle,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,grandview trail,hall butte,horseshoe mesa,krishna shrine,newberry butte,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2020 September Looking Down Hance Creek
Tags: arizona,coconino county,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hance creek,krishna shrine,rama shrine,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2020 September Looking down on the Colorado River from Yuma Point
The Hermit and Tonto Trails are both visible below.
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,isis temple,tonto trail,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September Looking East from Cocopa Point
Tags: arizona,boucher trail,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,granite rapids,hermit trail,hillers butte,isis temple,oza butte,tower of set,travertine canyon,vishnu temple,whites butte,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Moonrise on Yuma Point
Tags: brahma temple,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,hermit trail,moon,moonrise,rama shrine,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September View From the Grandview Trail
Tags: angels gate,arizona,cardenas butte,coconino county,comanche point,escalante butte,espejo butte,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,grandview trail,hall butte,horseshoe mesa,juno temple,jupiter temple,rama shrine,solomon temple,the tabernacle,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2020 September Yuma Point from the rim to the West
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,isis temple,tonto trail,travertine canyon,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2021 April Diana Temple Moon Shadow
Tags: diana temple,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,hermits rest,isis temple,mescalero point,night sky,shadow,stars,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2021 April Diana Temple Shadow from Mescalero Point
Tags: arizona,coconino county,dana butte,diana temple,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,isis temple,mescalero point,shadow,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2021 April Looking Across the Grand Canyon from Cedar Mountain
Tags: butchart butte,cedar mountain,comanche point,grand canyon national park,gunther castle,night sky,saddle mountain,siegfried pyre,stars,wotans throne
2021 April Looking down Hance Creek at Sunset
Tags: angels gate,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,hearst tanks,juno temple,jupiter temple,rama shrine,vishnu temple,wotans throne
2021 April Looking Up Canyon from Mescalero Point
Tags: brahma temple,dana butte,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,mescalero point,oneill butte,sunrise,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2021 April Night Sky and Clouds over the Grand Canyon from West of Walapai Point
Tags: brahma temple,clouds,confucius temple,dragon head,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,mencius temple,night sky,shiva temple,stars,tower of set,walapai point,wotans throne
2021 April Standing on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon near Mescalero Point
Tags: brahma temple,charles,dana butte,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,isis temple,manu temple,mescalero point,oza butte,sunrise,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2021 April Wotans Throne
Tags: arizona,cedar mountain,clouds,coconino county,grand canyon national park,sunset,wotans throne
2024 May Sunless Sunset
Tags: apollo temple,arizona,coconino county,comanche point,coronado butte,espejo butte,freya castle,grand canyon national park,juno temple,jupiter temple,rama shrine,salomon temple,sheba temple,the tabernacle,united states,venus temple,vishnu temple,wotans throne