2013 May Getting Started - Gate into State Land off Highway 80: This dirt road - across from the Curtis Windmill on Highway 80 - can take you to the San Pedro (on foot anyway - the road is gated at the BLM land boundary). Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Gate into the San Pedro RNCA. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May First glimpse of the green near the San Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Windmill near the San Pedro River: This windmill had a storage tank and open tank, the storage tank was holding water (that I took advantage of for 'dump over me' water on the way out). Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Discarded Windmill Wheel: While windmills are fairly common in the west I don't know much about them and it was fascinating to see this piece. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Momsen-Dunnegan-Ryan Co El Paso Texas. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Path to the River: A small path lead from the end of the road down to the river. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Water in the San Pedro River: Surface flow was intermittent, where it was flowing it was amazing! Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Charles headed South along the Sand Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Troop of Coati: I had disturbed a great blue heron and it had flown along the river - I was hoping to get a better view of it and was moving cautiously and not only did I see the heron but also this troop of Coati!!! They either ignored me or did not know I was there was at least several minutes - wishing I had more than my little point and shoot along, I think I could have gotten some great shots! Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Coati in the San Pedro River. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Great Blue Heron and Deer. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Cliffs along the San Pedro River: Walls of dirt. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May Old Strutures along the San Pedro: Old railroad perhaps? Taken from near the Contention Ruins. Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.
2013 May AERMOTOR Windmill: Still in business today - http://www.aermotorwindmill.com/ Charles Miles. 5/29/2013.