Pointless Waymarks

Ramblings, Questionable Geographics, Photographic Half-truths

Search Tag - eremita-mesa

2020 October An Oak Filled Canyon on Eremita Mesa near the Silver Bell Route
An Oak Filled Canyon on Eremita Mesa near the Silver Bell Route.
Tags: arizona,canyon,coconino county,dana,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,oak tree
2020 October Bright Moon Light in the Grand Canyon from Yuma Point
Out of frame on the rim to the right we could see a few lights in the Hermit's Rest area.
Tags: brahma temple,buddha temple,colorado river,cope butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,isis temple,moonlight,night,stars,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Headlamp on the Hermit Trail early in the Morning
Tags: brahma temple,cope butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,headlamp,hermit creek,hermit trail,moonlight,night,stars,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Sunrise from Yuma Point 01
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,sunrise,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Sunrise from Yuma Point 02
Tags: arizona,boucher trail,coconino county,diana temple,eremita mesa,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,marsh butte,sunrise,yuma point
2020 October Sunset Light in the Grand Canyon from Yuma Point
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,isis temple,sunrise,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 October Sunset Light on Whites Butte from Yuma Point
Tags: arizona,coconino county,colorado river,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,sunrise,whites butte,yuma point
2020 October Yuma Point
Tags: arizona,coconino county,confucius temple,dragon head,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,horus temple,mencius temple,osiris temple,tower of ra,yuma point
2020 October Yuma Point Shadow at Sunrise
Tags: arizona,boucher trail,coconino county,diana temple,eremita mesa,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,marsh butte,sunrise,whites butte,yuma point
2020 September Cocopa Point View 01
Tags: arizona,boucher creek,coconino county,cocopa point,confucius temple,diana temple,dragon head,eremita mesa,geikie peak,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,marsh butte,mencius temple,topaz canyon,tower of ra
2020 September Cocopa Point View 02
Tags: arizona,boucher creek,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,colorado river,confucius temple,dragon head,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,granite rapids,hillers butte,isis temple,marsh butte,mencius temple,osiris temple,oza butte,topaz canyon,tower of ra,zoroaster temple
2020 September Dana on Cocopa Point
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,colorado river,cope butte,dana,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,granite rapids,hermit trail,isis temple,rama shrine,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Dana on Cocopa Point from the rim to the West
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,dana,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hillers butte,isis temple,oza butte,tower of set,whites butte,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Eremita Tank
Completely dry. USGS and FS Maps show a road entering the tank from the west along Hermit Creek (center in this picture) - we were able to easily walk the path of the old road but more often than not it seemed like we were following game trails not an old road.
Tags: arizona,coconino county,eremita mesa,eremita tank,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit creek
2020 September Hiking the Rim above Boucher Creek
Tags: arizona,coconino county,diana temple,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,mescalero point,mimbreno point,vesta temple
2020 September Late Afternoon on Yuma Point Watching the Shadows below the Tower of Ra and Osiris and Horus Temples
Tags: dragon head,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,horus temple,osiris temple,tower of ra,yuma point
2020 September Looking Down from Yuma Point to moonlit Whites and Marsh Buttes
Tags: boucher trail,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,marsh butte,moonlight,night,whites butte,yuma point
2020 September Looking down on the Colorado River from Yuma Point
The Hermit and Tonto Trails are both visible below.
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,coconino county,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit trail,isis temple,tonto trail,tower of set,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September Looking down on Travertine Canyon on the hike from Cocopa to Yuma Point
Tags: arizona,boucher trail,buddha temple,coconino county,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,isis temple,tonto trail,travertine canyon
2020 September Looking East from Cocopa Point
Tags: arizona,boucher trail,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,cocopa point,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,granite rapids,hermit trail,hillers butte,isis temple,oza butte,tower of set,travertine canyon,vishnu temple,whites butte,wotans throne,zoroaster temple
2020 September Moonrise on Yuma Point
Tags: brahma temple,colorado river,cope butte,dana butte,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,hermit trail,moon,moonrise,rama shrine,tonto trail,vishnu temple,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September Rock Work in the Dam creating Eremita Tank
The size of the dam for Eremita Tank was a surprise.
Tags: arizona,coconino county,dam,eremita mesa,eremita tank,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,hermit creek
2020 September Sunset on Yuma Point looking towards Isis Temple
Tags: buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,colorado river,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,hillers butte,horus temple,isis temple,sunset,tower of set,yuma point
2020 September Tower of Ra in Sunset Light from Yuma Point
Tags: confucius temple,dragon head,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,mencius temple,osiris temple,sunset,tower of ra,yuma point
2020 September View to the confluence of Boucher Creek and Topaz Canyon from west of Cocopa Point
Tags: arizona,boucher creek,coconino county,colorado river,confucius temple,dragon head,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,marsh butte,mencius temple,tonto trail,topaz canyon,tower of ra
2020 September Yuma Point from the rim to the West
Tags: arizona,brahma temple,buddha temple,cheops pyramid,clement powell butte,coconino county,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,grand canyon proposed or recommended wilderness area,isis temple,tonto trail,travertine canyon,wotans throne,yuma point,zoroaster temple
2020 September Yuma Point Moon Shadow
Tags: diana temple,eremita mesa,grand canyon,grand canyon national park,marsh butte,moonlight,night,stars,yuma point
2020 September Dana on Cocopa Point from the rim to the West
An overnight trip across Eremita Mesa to Cocopa Point and Yuma Points in Grand Canyon National Park.
Tags: cocopa point,eremita mesa,eremita tank,grand canyon national park,kaibab national forest,yuma point